Tag Archives: social development

SA National budget is not adequate to fund children’s constitutional rights

ImageThe latest Children’s Institute of South Africa costing report reveals in 2005, SA government was funding only 25% of the cost of implementing the old Child Care Act. Social welfare services for children are grossly under-funded in SA.

In the context on an on-going economic crisis and on-going high levels of unemployment, families are under material and psychological stress to make ends meet. Under these conditions children are at even greater risk of vulnerability, under-development, abandonment, neglect and abuse.

Growing the budget allocations for programmes and services that strengthen and support vulnerable families will lessen this risk and keep children safe.

The Children’s Act of South Africa is the primary law for realising children’s constitutional rights to care, protection and social services. It obliges government to provide and fund a comprehensive range of social welfare services for children and their families.

These include programme’s to strengthen families so as to prevent abuse, abandonment and neglect of children; protection and therapy for children who have been harmed; and alternative care for children who cannot live with their families.The seventh annual analysis of whether the national budget is adequate to fund these services is now available – You be the judge….See more at: http://www.ci.org.za/#sthash.kHHFmQXY.dpuf or view the full report on http://goo.gl/E30FKI



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Filed under Social Media for Cause

Spotlight on Social Media engaging and helping stamp out Crime and Corruption in SA.

Image  In the spirit of what I am trying to achieve on the CyberAfrica blog, I am definately and humbled not to be in a vacuum, and must admiraly comment on how the local web in SA has gone viral in mass, on trying to counteract Crime and Corruption in South Africa.

There are many groups tirelessly and persistant in trying to stamp out the huge exponential rise in crime and corruption in our vulnerable country. From Facebook, Twitter, Websites, RSS Feeds, You Tube and many blogs, there has been a counteractive, counter resistance group, rise up from the people against all odds, who do want to make a real difference. A local blogger I can comment on is Jeremy Farrell.

It’s very encouraging to say the least, that we have reached a stage where crime and corruption are being reported and broadcasted live, where all have a say, and it’s comes with a warm heart to know, that most South African citizens are voicing their dismay and discontent about the unruly, including certain members and people holding onto power in our government.

  Although the Clem Sunters and First Rand Founder Paul Harris’s (see Don’t Stress about SA) , paint a relatively positive future for our Economy, what is the point of having an economy when charlatan’s are eating away the very base and foundation of our community fiscal strongholds? Not being sinical but, how does it help comment on positive change in our country, when the moral fiber of our supposed leadership is being devoured and eaten away by greed, nepotism, undue enrichment,self entitlement and huge moral decay.

I truly believe that a “litmus test” to show how one’s government is taking a moral stand and accountability for it’s people, is measured by how it’s own people. less empowered ,community leaders and people are having to tackle more community responsibilities, and provision them by themselves,and need to be more aware and engaged. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the government is losing it’s grip on providing a safe haven for it’s people, the people will create one by themselves. This has been seen time and time again in 3rd World countries, but here comes the advent of easily, fast and available technology, individuals are now empowered to make a difference, good or bad…”The Good Digital Divide” is happening and let’s pray “the good” prevails and grows from strength to strength.

  A had a few exciting developments started in 2007, with the warfare and sabotage on corruption and these forces becoming more apparent on our radar screens, the Net tools (weapons and ammunition) have exponentionally evolved in SA. One of the catalysts, I need to mention is from Graham Power‘s planting a seed by sharing  his personal and spiritual vindication, with http://www.unashamedlyethical.com.  This organisation creating a business leaders  pledge and awareness campaign, promoting a Christian ethos against unethical business practice asking owners and customers to join the rise up against this Samson called corruption.

The SARS has been on the ball a web link for anybody to report any suspicious business or fraudulent activity on www.sars.gov.za/home.asp?pid=218. Then followed by a direct live community based interactive reporting portal which was originally (and ironically)  for traffic fine camera warnings, to prevent the public from being speed trapped or held up at a police road block. It  has now evolved into a full blown community driven crime and corruption broadcast,  live from all walks (literally from mobile phones) of life in SA including police and paramedics on the scene of each tragedy. “A community driven policing force”, if one would call it. See  www.PublicServant.co.za and http://www.facebook.com/TrafficWC. It’s interesting, good always seems to rise above bad in the collective community sense.

  Missing Children SA, started the good fight against human trafficking, to provide a structure of re-active support to the family, authorities and other NGO’s when a person goes missing; To provide pro-active national awareness to children and their families, media, authorities, communities and schools.  – Missing Children SA is fulfilling a huge void, and has a highly important and powerful role in our society .

It’s scary when one Googles human trafficking in Africa, a common problem around the world, but rampant in this continent due to corrupt migration systems, officials and lack of policing.  Good sites to take up the cause are http://stoptraffickingofpeople.wordpress.com/, concerning South Africa Human trafficking go to http://redlightweb.co.za/ The statistics are frightening to say the least, see: Just Saskia, Stop Trafficking People, or UNESCO‘s Report on Child Trafficking.

Not to mention for the love of our furry friends ther is also https://www.facebook.com/MissingPetsZA/info

  There are many to mention and too many to thank and applaud for this boom of social entrepeneurship, I have not even included The New Era Economic Rights Alliance which is fighting the good battle for everyone , seeking transparency in the banking and corporate sector in SA. Protecting you & I against unscrupulous financial corporates and conglomerates, who have, and are colluding and taking advantage of the ordinary man in the street, billing them unecessary, taking away their homes and life savings, in the name of greed and profit, all this by mere small written contract clauses,which surpass our basic constitutional rights. Have you known about a bank who will reach out a hand to us, during financial lows?…No, not I, just even to protect our family and provide a sheltered home, that is not written in the contract, sorry Sir, pay up or you and your family is on the street!

Then comes, Corruption Watch (CW)  which was invited to make a presentation at the Institute for Security Studies’ international conference on crime and criminal justice on Friday, 26/10/2012

Within three days of Corruption Watch’s launch on 26 January 2012, more than 70 reports relating to metro cop bribery, allegations of nepotism and driving-licence corruption had been received from across South Africa, the presentation reads.

A total of 945 reports of corruption have been lodged with the organisation between 1 January* and 30 September this year, according to the presentation titled Citizens reporting corruption in South Africa: reports received by Corruption Watch.

http://twitter.com/Corruption_SA  is one of the many interactive social media platforms, which gives the public a very powerful voice, it empowers our communities, gives us all a vote of confidence,a huge leap into the Digital Age, but most of all, proving that most out there have an inclination towards contributing towards social good, showing a geniune care towards our fellow beings, our neighbours, our watchers, our service providers, and of course protecting our family. The arrival of the neighbourhood watch are on Uber Digital scale has arrived! Even as I write this blog, Google has launched a Hurrican Map and reporting site for Hurrican Sandy.


A similar watchdog is Justice Project South Africa (JPSA) on  http://www.jp-sa.org/, JPSA has established a prominent foothold and reputation in protecting and fighting for the rights of motorists and is widely recognised as the only “motorists’ rights” organisation that has both, the guts and capacity to represent the motoring public in addressing these issues. Their Facebook link is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-Project-South-Africa-JPSA/107912058847?ref=ts&fref=ts

The founder in South Africa of taking the community policing to the Internet is eBlockwatch, which is on URL: http://www.eblockwatch.co.za/. eBlockwatch has been very innovative in combatting crime and protecting our vulnerable citizens in a crime ridden society. From protecting tourists visiting South Africa, to tracking down stolen goods, and of course people, using cloud and mobile software tools, eblockwatch is a network of more than 83 000 South Africans looking out for each other and our tourists. There Facebook link is: http://www.facebook.com/groups/102575386217/

For the hard workers, who want to know that that their sweat & blood went into paying taxes for the right reasons, for the parents who are looking for their lost loved ones,for the community builders, for the police, for the security watchmen, for the paramedics, for the teachers, for our churches, and lastly for our government, society is becoming engaged in mass, engaged to protect and nurture one another . It’s simple, poor governance=corruption=disparity 7 disorder= break down of law and order= rise up of the masses=factions=unrest=protecting ones civil rights=creates solidarity = fighting for cause= protecting your neighbours=public engagement=collaborating=creating awareness = the peoples voice (media) =using the best tools and groups to go viral=using online social networking. And hopefully a democratic driven mediation for better governance.

So, whatever your cause is, online groups, social media can at least empower you or your social cause, to actively partake and polic your local neighbourhood, your community and in the case of South Africa at present, our government!

We hope and pray that the voice of the people, and technology brings a better future and equality for all in SA.

I will end this blog with the quotations on the Justice Project South Africa’s website: “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, all that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men and woman to do nothing, what lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.”

Some good reference websites on reporting and fighting the “good” fight:

My next detailed Blog post, will be about the big global move towards Social Entrepreneurship.

Happy Blogging!

This is CyberAfrica reporting on “Social media for Social Good. ”

Social entrepreneurship is the recognition of a social problem and the uses of entrepreneurial principles to organise, create and manage a social venture to achieve a desired social change.

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Filed under africa, alert, bribery, calalyst, community, Community Notices, Corruption, counter resistance, counteract, counteractive, crime, development, difference, discontent, dismay, Economy, Engage, ethical, ethos, exponential rise, foundation, fraud, future, Future Trends, government, Graham Power, ict, Local News, moral fiber, nepotism, power, risk, Social Meda, Social Media for Cause, Social Media for Social Good, social networks, South Africa, Technology, transformation, unruly, Viral media, vulnerable, warfare, youth

Small Ideas can make a huge impact

Small ideas can make a huge impact. IT activist Ory Okollah shares her experience with CNN about her Ushahidi software which was initially developed to report humanitarian crime in Africa, but saved thousands of lives in Haiti.

See http://afrinnovator.com/2010/08/24/ory-okolloh-co-founder-of-ushahidi-talks-to-cnns-africanvoices/


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